The Gantz Road bridge over Interstate 270 will close for 120 days for an Ohio Department of Transportation bridge replacement ...
As the famed North American road gears up to celebrate its centenary, head to Arizona; home to the longest remaining stretch ...
Maritime Metro Transit Route 1 will be detoured while work is being done between Waldo Boulevard and the West Twin River ...
Construction is set to start next week on US 64 in Dare County. Fred Smith Company will improve the five lane section between ...
In the aftermath of several high profile accidents,The King County Target Zero Coalition has introduced a new traffic safety ...
The new sidewalk in Madison County IL is part of the third of four phases to connect Center Grove Road to Schwarz Street.
Several roundabouts could be built in the Fenton area in the coming years as Genesee County recommends local road projects along the U.S. 23 corridor.
Hundreds of WH Smith stores are set to disappear from the high street as the retailer has agreed to sell its UK high street ...
The closure begins March 31 and ends in December. It will include Fruit Ridge Avenue from 3 Mile Road to Northridge Drive.