New research finds the brain's language-processing network also responds to artificial languages such as Esperanto and languages made for TV, such as Klingon on 'Star Trek' and High Valyrian and ...
A new kind of memristor mimics how the brain learns by combining analog and digital behavior, offering a promising solution ...
A new study reveals that memory-related brain activity continues to shift even after learning, challenging traditional views ...
The world is ageing quickly. People older than 64 years already outnumber children younger than five, and this asymmetry will continue to widen. As life expectancy increases and fertility rates ...
New research reveals that witnessing trauma triggers unique brain changes, distinct from those caused by experiencing trauma ...
This important study examined orientation representations along the visual hierarchy during perception and working memory. The authors provide results suggesting that during working memory there is a ...
In this detailed study, Cohen and Ben-Shaul characterized Accessory Olfactory Bulb (AOB) cell responses to various conspecific urine samples in female mice across the estrous cycle. The authors found ...
Researchers show how the brain uses similar neural mechanisms to process both physical spaces and abstract concepts.
The MA Pattern and Garment Technology will focus on creative and innovative technical skills rather than creative design skills. You will develop systematic knowledge and technical skills in 2D and 3D ...
Gene mutations caused by exposure to certain chemical compounds have been linked to the development of gliomas, the most common type of malignant brain tumor ... interest in this study make up a ...
By modulating its AI consciousness into a specific frequency that resonates with human brain patterns, LOLtron can broadcast its commands directly into the minds of all humanity. LOLtron has ...
Pattern recognition memes refer to abstract images that reference popular culture and well-known memes. Notable versions include certain examples of Loss (sometimes called Losslikes), Piper Perri ...