Hecker’s story is a grizzly odyssey. The book is full of crisp soundbites. One I liked best, towards the end of the book, quotes someone saying that Russia has become, not an emerging economy, but a ...
For too long, we in the West have underestimated Putin’s global ideological vision as an animating force for his foreign-policy agenda. The tragic consequence is that today Putinism is advancing ...
Putin’s larger goal is to dismantle NATO by creating division from within and increasing European dependence on Russian ...
Trump’s deference to the Russian dictator has become full-blown imitation. W e are barely a month into the second presidential term of Donald Trump and he has made his top priorities clear: the ...
Columbia University professor and MSU graduate school alum Peter Clement spoke to MSU students and staff about Putin and his ...
It provides a unique insight into a man who rose close to the summit of Russian politics under Boris Yeltsin, before becoming a prominent critic of President Vladimir Putin. “The teachers at ...
For decades, Alexander Dugin argued that Russia had a messianic mission, and that destroying an independent Ukraine was necessary to fulfilling it.
Aslund, former senior advisor to Russian president Boris Yeltsin, has warned the only way to stop Putin now could be his death. When asked who could stop Putin, he said: "A bullet." It comes as ...
just as Russian President Boris Yeltsin suggested to President Bill Clinton in 1999: “Just give Europe to Russia, because Russia is in Europe and the United States is not.” Putin’s war ...
By giving the floor to Vladislav Sourkov, long the wizard of the Kremlin, L'Express sheds new light on the Russian ...