Boa constrictor ortonii ... including the rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria), for their unique color morphs, further boosting their appeal. Captive-bred boas typically have a relatively peaceful ...
The snake catchers removed the boa constrictor with albinism from the Florida yard and moved the reptile to their Naples sanctuary Terrified homeowners in Florida called in professional snake ...
Boa Constrictor bites my face! I head to Pomona to the Reptile Super show! I'll come across some amazing animals and have a 6 foot Boa strike at my face in the process! Enjoy! SnakeBytesTV is produced ...
A truck search in Florida turned strange when deputies discovered their suspect had a live boa constrictor slithering freely in his pickup, investigators say. Both the driver and the snake ended up in ...
A Florida sheriff’s deputy discovered this boa constrictor was freely roaming a pickup truck during a traffic stop. Brevard County Sheriff's Office photo A truck search in Florida turned strange ...