LERONE MARTIN: He's known as the Happy Am I preacher, so he has this kind of charisma, smiling, very happy. My name is Dr. Lerone Martin, and I am the director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Research ...
Elder Lightfoot Solomon Michaux was a renowned Black preacher and broadcaster. Radio Diaries' series "Making Waves" looks at ...
Elder Lightfoot Solomon Michaux was a renowned Black preacher and broadcaster. Radio Diaries' series "Making Waves" looks at ...
Black Press Sunday celebrates the resilience of Black media and the fight for democracy, with a renewed commitment to faith, ...
Essie Academy, 507 W. Innes St., Salisbury has all boots on the ground when it comes to discipline, confidence, character and ...
A permanent committee of the conservative Presbyterian Church in America issued a statement earlier this week in the wake of ...
A community park on Rockwell Church Road is named in her honor. Elder retired in 1989. Before her death in 2021 at the age of 93, Elder talked about the racism and harassment she faced as a Black ...
In communities across America, a quiet revolution is taking hold as structured mentorship programs create pathways to ...
Kinloch, 51, pastor of Detroit's Triumph Church, filed his "Solomon Kinloch ... “Parents should not have to feed their children and elders from gas stations and liquor stores.
In the third and final installment of News 8’s Elder Voices series ... A: “Well, when I was younger, this community was very Black. I think that Wealthy Street has the starkest before and ...
Now, his church is working with the City of San Antonio ... Burleson, the senior presbyter, and Bowie, an adjutant elder, were saved together at the Spiritual Growth Center.