The defendant’s attack, motivated by race and color, instilled fear in not only the mostly Black congregants of the church, ...
David Bluer was accused in federal court of spray-painting swastikas, racist graffiti on outside of Roseville church, ...
Authorities alleged Bluer spray-painted several swastikas, the word “die,” and other graffiti on the exterior of the church ...
David Bluer, 34, reportedly spray-painted the word "die" and swastikas on the exterior of Greater New Life Church in October ...
The balcony window dates back 132 years, stands more than 16 feet high, and is made up of 12,000 individual pieces of glass.
A brutal act of racial vandalism has revealed both the painful persistence of hate and the transformative power of community ...
The graffiti included swastikas, the word “die,” and other hateful symbols. David Bluer's sentence: one year in federal ...
Black Press Sunday at Metropolitan AME Church honors the work of Black journalists, editors, and publishers, highlighting the ...
A Michigan man will serve one year in prison for spray-painting racist graffiti on a predominantly Black church.
The band could be heard down Church Street on a recent Sunday night in March. Guitars, drums and a chorus boomed out from ...
Volunteers are always needed - from chopping vegetables in the church kitchen or baking treats at home - to making the soup, serving diners, and packing ...
After Tiffany Regan was nominated to be the new superintendent of Deer Park ISD, Pastor Douglas Harris aired his negative ...