Guts Club spoke with Gambit about "Please Come Back To The Farm," making an outlet for queer rage and catharsis and covering ...
Jazz lovers, rejoice. You’ll have three opportunities in March and April to relax with your favorite music in St. Bonaventure University’s Rathskeller.
Jazzlovers, rejoice. You’ll have three opportunities in March and April to relax with your favorite music in St. Bonaventure University’s Rathskeller.
The Tiptons have received multiple commissions and grants to compose, produce multimedia performances and collaborate with ...
Meet the 120 students nominated for instrumental performance in genres such as classical music, jazz, pop and mariachi.
BIG RAPIDS — Tuba Bach continues its 2024-25 concert season with a performance by the Halite Saxophone Quartet at 4 p.m.
Alabaster DePlume is unlike any artist of today. He’s a singer, multi-instrumentalist, poet, and philosopher all at once. He ...
We’ll hear more about the show and get an in-studio performance from the quartet: Mieke Bruggeman on baritone saxophone, Chelsea Luker on alto saxophone, Michelle Medler on tenor saxophone ...
Flushing Town Hall will host its monthly Louis Armstrong Legacy Jazz Jam on Wednesday, March 12, at 7 p.m. at 137-35 Northern ...
The fundraising event Thursday evening at Highland High School will feature a special screening of “The Last Repair Shop,” as ...
Cherry Creek Schools has figured out a way to cut down on the costs of expensive musical instrument repairs; bring everything in-house.
Shawn Roberts II has packed his high school career with activities, but his driving force has been his faith and family.