Insiden digigit anjing diduga rabies terjadi di Banjar Tunon, Desa Singakerta, Ubud, Bali, mengakibatkan 8 orang terluka.
Sementara untuk di Kalimantan Barat sendiri, disepanjang tahun 2025 tercatat ada 1.147 kasus gigitan hewan. Namun, angka ...
Hi!Pontianak - Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Kalbar mencatat saat ini ada 5 kasus kematian yang disebabkan penularan rabies. Kasus ...
Masih banyak orang yang beranggapan bahwa epilepsi bisa menular lewat air liur. Namun, dr. Putri Auliya Sp.N tidak ...
Santiarka menjelaskan, penyebab utama anjing rabies adalah anjing yang dilepas liarkan, sehingga hidupnya tak terawat, ...
Severe disease typically appears within two weeks of the first symptoms, when the rabies virus causes brain dysfunction. If you suspect your pet has been exposed to rabies, immediately notify your ...
“We are very concerned that rabies is spreading along our western border,” Dr. Gregson Pigott, commissioner of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, said. A deceased raccoon found ...
Now, thanks to vaccines, it's not nearly the problem it used to be, especially in dogs. According to the CDC, “The elimination of canine rabies virus variant (CRVV) from the United States is one of ...
A dead bat infected with rabies was found on Durant Avenue, Feb. 28. This finding marks the third such discovery of a rabid ...