Imagine seeing a furry, four-legged animal that meows. Mentally, you know what it is, but the word "cat" is stuck on the tip of your tongue. This phenomenon, known as Broca's aphasia or expressive ...
The researchers – who publish their findings in the journal Brain today – hope that the treatment will eventually improve the ability of stroke patients with aphasia across the NHS to access intensive ...
We are currently recruiting participants to explore how reading-based treatments can support broader language recovery. This study is open to both English monolingual speakers and Korean-English ...
Dr. Suma Devanga (Speech Language Pathologist-Clinical Fellow) has secured WMU's 2018 Support for Faculty Scholars award to conduct research on aphasia treatment. The focus of this research is to ...
Expand Although there may not be direct benefits to participants, taking part in our research assists clinicians and researchers in better understanding communication difficulties in individuals with ...
When Dylan Sullivan picks up her pencil, every point, every line and every shape is made with mathematical precision.
This finding opens the door for a possible new treatment for Broca’s Aphasia, a language disorder caused by damage to the frontal lobe which affects a person’s ability to communicate.
Wendy Williams is opening up about her fight for freedom from her yearslong court-ordered guardianship in an interview with "Impact x Nightline." ...