The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said it is investigating a burglary that occurred at a gun ...
While clean air continues to be a political football in the Pittsburgh region, a decline in asthma-related emergency room ...
Events like the one reported in the article “Damage reported at U.S. Steel facility in Braddock, followed by increase in air pollution,” Feb. 24, TribLive) make Allegheny County’s already bad air a ...
With construction of the new central terminal set to finish this year, will PIT attract more carriers in the coming years?
Dr. Iulia Vann, director of the Allegheny County Health Department, cites 50 department vacancies which limit her capacity to control the air pollution that makes this one of the unhealthiest places ...
A fire that started outside spread to a home in Millvale, sending flames shooting into the air early Thursday morning.
Those seeking to become part of the class-action lawsuit can sign onto the suit by March 31. A hearing on settlement is ...
Statewide funding for public transit hasn't kept up with the needs of Allegheny County. Now, Pittsburgh Regional Transit is ...
Long sought by housing advocates, the Allegheny County Board of Health’s new Housing and Community Environment Advisory ...
Captain Clark retired from a 30-year career he loved beginning at Lake Central Airlines, purchased by Allegheny Airline, became USAir and ended as USAirways in 1996. A self made high school ...
First Student and Pittsburgh Public Schools Roll Out 16 New Electric School Buses School Transportation News Industry Releases ...