Winter is rarely a bed of roses, and 1925 had been a particularly rough one. A late January blizzard had dumped up to 4 feet of snow in some parts of the Northeast. In Alaska, a diphtheria outbreak ...
Sailing in Alaska isn’t for the faint of heart. We found ourselves anchored in a fierce snow storm, facing freezing winds and ...
“Get to your safe space under your desk if you’re not in a designated area ... This is a tornado! Seek shelter immediately.
(CNN) – Dramatic video shows the moment a woman rode out an EF-2 tornado as it ripped through central Florida Monday morning. She recorded the storm hitting as she was sitting in a car outside of ...
FOR years, meteorologists in Kotzebue, Alaska, launched weather balloons twice daily to collect data on wind speed, humidity ...
Avalanche danger remains considerable at Turnagain Pass, where this avalanche occurred about 45 minutes south of Anchorage.
Authorities in Alaska say they will attempt Thursday to reach the site of an avalanche that trapped three skiers earlier this week ...
A storm rolling in from the Gulf of Alaska will bring rain to the Bay and maybe even some snow to portions of California.
The first of two storms that will bring a chance of rain to Southern California for the rest of the week arrived early Tuesday morning. Radar images showed rain already falling on parts of the ...
Winter is rarely a bed of roses, and 1925 had been a particularly rough one.