Unless Congress acts soon, health insurance costs will rise sharply next year for millions of Americans, including more than ...
The ACA has touched the lives of every American, proving that improving the U.S. health system is possible. It can, and ...
A proposed ACA reform would shift the benchmark plan from silver to gold coverage and expand cost-sharing subsidies, reducing ...
Trump administration has proposed changes to the Affordable Care Act that could be devastating for trans people who rely on ...
If it becomes final, the rule will “restrict marketplace eligibility ... already qualified for financial help under the Affordable Care Act, and added aid for those with higher incomes (more ...
Julio Fuentes is president and CEO of the Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
The ACA undoubtedly made health insurance more affordable for consumers of limited means. However, premium subsidies and expansion of public health insurance program do not reduce total health care ...
The Trump administration is trying to change insurance requirements so they can deprive trans people of the healthcare that ...
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) significantly expanded health insurance in the United States, but its impact has varied across time and states. We assess the law’s heterogeneous impacts over the three ...
As a Tuesday deadline approaches, contract negotiations between Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and MU Health Care have become ...
Last November, the Biden administration allowed DACA recipients to buy health coverage through the Affordable Care Act Marketplace, but President Trump’s administration is now considering ...
The Trump administration issued its first major set of proposed changes to the Affordable Care Act on Monday that federal officials said are intended to crack down on fraud in the program. Policy ...