Student rents could surge following the introduction of the Renters’ Rights Bill, say landlords, who have warned that it also discriminates against foreign students.
Almost £13million a week was raised in property taxes for the Scottish Government, new analysis has revealed. The findings by property group DJ Alexander found that revenues from Land and Building ...
Landlords could face a hike in Capital Gains Tax (CGT) if the economy dips before the Autumn Budget, the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) has warned.
Managing a rental property successfully - and legally - demands considerable time, effort, and expertise. That's why many ...
The Government has started to “bring landlords into line”, but more needs to be done to tackle the pressures in the private ...
Average asking rents have risen to £557 a week, new figures have revealed. Lettings agents Foxtons said the figure for ...
Landlords will have to use the new Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment system, the Chancellor has confirmed.
One in five renters has borrowed money that needs to be paid back for their five-week cash deposit, putting them in a ...
Plans to Revolutionise the UK's Tax System will take a step forward from April 2028 when MTD will be expanded to include those earning more than £20,000 per year ...
Investors are targeting the Single-Family Housing (SFH) market as the booming sector aims to help fill the PRS shortfall.
Concerns about whether new planning reforms go far enough to address the country’s housing shortage have been raised by ...
A new “crackdown on bad landlords” has been introduced by a London council. It will see the council launching a new HMO ...