Mark Johnson and Bessie Fakhri of Seyfarth Shaw LLP discuss a California Supreme Court decision upholding a cotenancy ...
This appears to be the first such injunction since the U.S. Supreme Court let cities crack down on homeless encampments in ...
The California State Bar's new exam for prospective lawyers was a disaster, with complaints from many test takers. Bar staff ...
The case examines whether the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has the authority to grant a license to Interim Storage Partners, ...
In a statement, California's Supreme Court justices said they will wait for a report on last week's technically troubled bar ...
The Supreme Court's decision is the latest in which conservative justices have reined in pollution control efforts.
But over the past 50 years, some places have occasionally run afoul of the act. In San Francisco, the wastewater system ...
The Supreme Court has made it harder for environmental regulators to limit water pollution, ruling for San Francisco in a ...
Los Angeles Superior Court system is among those named in a petition as having not done enough to address the court reporter ...