The optimising EXome PREnatal Sequencing Services (EXPRESS) policy report outlines actions to strengthen clinical implementation of, and further research on, prenatal exome sequencing services in the ...
A shift in focus to more personalised and preventative approaches to health has the potential to enable people to live healthier lives for longer. The incorporation of new health technologies and the ...
Developments in biological and informational technology are significantly advancing our understanding of health and disease and of how to preserve, improve and restore wellbeing. Implementing new ...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the greatest challenges facing health systems, causing an estimated 4.71 million deaths globally in 2021. It has been ten years since the World Health ...
There is growing evidence that climate change adversely affects human health. Multiple diseases are sensitive to climate change, many of which are also leading causes of death globally. Despite this ...
Laura is PHG Foundation’s Head of Science, and is responsible for the delivery of the scientific expertise and analysis that underpin our work. She also contributes to the development of our strategic ...
Between 4-7 October 2016, a group of invited international experts in health, public policy, public health, law and ethics assembled at Ickworth House, (Suffolk, UK) for a meeting entitled ...
Heather is a biomedical policy analyst who first developed an interest in policy when exploring the evidence base for secondary findings and associated risk estimates in individuals with and without a ...