December in 1941, John Curtin famously declared that in the war with Imperial Japan, Australia would look to the United States, ‘free of any pangs as to our traditional links or ...
When Hayley Channer and Nicole Seils attended a defence-related event in Canberra in 2014, they realised they were two of ...
China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs operates a secure digital platform that connects it directly with Chinese companies ...
For China watchers, there’s a grim irony contained in the 14 principles that former senior official Peter Varghese recommends ...
Northeast Asia, and we must be ready for an equally unsteady 2025. Changes in political leadership, evolving ententes and ...
Originally published on 11 May 2024. Kim Beazley was appointed as Minister for Defence on 13 December 1984. He oversaw a ...
When Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the order to invade Ukraine in February 2022, he surely did not expect that one of ...
Following the release of the Australia’s Surface Fleet Review, a big problem remains: the Australian Defence Force lacks ...
Australia really does run on the smell of an oily rag. Our fuel reserves are pitifully low by international standards, and we ...
The collapse of Syria’s Assad regime—with President Bashar al-Assad not even informing his closest associates before fleeing ...
Supposedly, something big happened in the defence world on 12 December. Upstart startup Anduril announced a joint venture ...
On Christmas morning in 1974, Cyclone Tracy unleashed catastrophic destruction on Darwin, forever altering the city and ...