Thursday evening at 5:30 p.m. the board of trustees for the South Bend Community School Corporation held a Facilities Master ...
These meetings are a regular school board event during which the board gets a look at planned capital improvements. But Mark ...
While Mansour Eid is in charge of South Bend schools, Cummings collects pay for a while. And an interim principal is named at ...
Eid says allegations "were investigated and were found not to be correct." He says if chosen he looks forward to "moving ...
Cincinnati Magazine is the definitive guide to living well in Greater Cincinnati, connecting sophisticated, educated readers with the region’s most interesting people, cultural issues, food, arts, ...
School board member Mark Costello says the new attorney will only give advice to the school board. This is in addition to a previous vote adding a new law firm to represent the school corporation.
"Health care costs are going up faster than most other costs," said Sen. Mark Costello, R-Imogene, during Monday's subcommittee hearing. "I really want to do whatever we can to try and get some ...