T he land bridge across the Bering Strait that lasted through much of the last Ice Age was likely very different from what has been imagined. Instead of a mix of grassland, tundra, and ice sheet ...
A researcher looking at erosion along a Canada river discovered an ancient indigenous site. Screengrab from Sturgeon Lake First Nation Official's Facebook post Just north of Prince Albert in central ...
A bog would be no issue for a mammoth, especially if, as Fowell and her team suspect, there were still areas of higher, drier terrain to be found on the crossing. Birds would have also loved it.
The incorporators are pioneers in the movement for the construction of a railroad under Bering Strait to connect with the great Russian line. View Full Article in Timesmachine » Advertisement ...
The road would follow a similar path to the Trans-Siberian railway — but would stretch even further, crossing the Bering Strait to Alaska. It remains unclear what the US would think about ...
some anthropologists had hypothesized that the lineage’s ancestors populated the Americas in a wave of migration that was distinct from Siberians crossing the Bering land bridge some 20,000 years ...
Watch Mapping the World Latin America: Under the Radar? 13 min Watch the programme The Bering Strait is the closest point of contact between Russia and the United States. It separates Chukotka, an ...
via the Bering Strait” crossing from Russia to North America, Fariña said. However he cautioned about jumping to conclusions pointing out that more research (and funds) was needed before any ...
Water from the Alaska Stream enters the Bering Sea through a number of passes in the Aleutian Chain, primarily Near Strait, but also Amchitka, Buldir, and Amukta Passes. This is largely balanced ...
The road would follow a similar path to the Trans-Siberian railway - but would stretch even further, crossing the Bering Strait to Alaska. It remains unclear what the US would think about that ...