the unit comes with Windows XP Tablet Edition, which includes MS Journal, a great virtual pad of paper application. ViewSonic includes demo versions of several pen-savvy apps such as FranklinCovey ...
The Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition operating system runs full versions of your business and desktop applications providing even greater capacity to a mobile workforce.
(2) The Tablet PC was the first Windows tablet. Introduced in the early 2000s when XP was the current version of Windows, the Tablet PC was designed like a portable writing instrument. Although ...
The client version of Windows superseding Windows 2000 and prior to Windows Vista. Introduced in 2001, XP was a major upgrade with many changes to the user interface. In 2020, it was estimated ...
Tablet PCs running Windows XP Tablet Edition come in two flavors: standard notebook designs with keyboards and true tablets. The ViewSonic Tablet PC is among the latter. The ViewSonic is the only XP ...