It can also include short-term debt, dividends owed, notes payable, and income taxes outstanding. Example using quick ratio Let's say you own a company that has $10 million in cash and cash ...
Based on this calculation, Apple’s quick ratio was 0.83 as of the end of March 2021. This number could be higher if more assets were included in its calculations (see the section about the ...
They included cash and cash equivalents ... A more stringent liquidity ratio is the quick ratio. This measures the proportion of short-term liquidity compared to current liabilities.
Reviewed by Charlene Rhinehart Fact checked by Suzanne Kvilhaug What Is a Liquidity Ratio? A liquidity ratio is a measurement ...
Since the quick ratio doesn’t include inventory in its calculation, it may be a better liquidity indicator in some situations. Similarly, not all companies have stable sales over the course of ...