A facsimile of our Bestiary of the 13th century (MS.22) can be consulted in the Library. J. Armitage Robinson, The History of Westminster Abbey by John Flete, [MS 29], Cambridge 1909. An English ...
The definitive resource for research into all aspects of the Abbey’s history is the extensive and historic collections belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. The books and manuscripts in ...
With a history which stretches all the way back to the 10th century, Westminster Abbey has stood through the lives of important people and world-changing events. But who is buried in in the floor ...
Royals go to Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey The King and Queen will be accompanied by The Prince and Princess of Wales as they attend the annual Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration ...
Westminster Abbey is generally busy – and the staff keeps you moving at a pretty swift pace – so do a little research ahead of time to avoid missing your personal must-sees. For instance ...
Registered Charity No: 1116371 (England & Wales). It is difficult to overstate the importance of Westminster Abbey in the nation’s spiritual, historical and cultural make-up. This Gothic ...