No steeping or straining is required. Each of Soul Chai's 2.8-ounce tins makes 40 servings, and this set includes one of the traditional black tea–based blends and another of the non-caffeinated ...
Health issues that concern men above the age of 4o the most are related to their energy, stamina, and vitality. Men succumb ...
1 teaspoon of black tea leaves (Assam, Nilgiri Black or Darjeeling are traditional), and sugar or another sweetener to taste in a small pot. (If sweetening with honey, wait until just before ...
Bergamot tea is made by combining black tea and bergamot orange extract ... The study also suggests that bergamot could enhance the effects of traditional cholesterol-lowering medications.
The signature tea is Ritz Royal English, a classic black tea blend that is rich and robust and perfect with traditional finger sandwiches and scones. Claridge’s, Brook St, Mayfair, London W1K ...