The lorry itself could be seen detached from ... one extension ladder and cutting gear to extinguish the fire." ...
An enormous lorry fire raged at an industrial estate in Manchester this morning, with black smoke, roaring flames and loud bangs, forcing families to evacuate. The blaze that broke out just ...
Homes had to be evacuated after a large lorry fire broke out on an industrial estate. Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) said the blaze "involving heavy goods vehicles" broke out ...
Motorists using the M1 faced lengthy delays today (Wednesday, March 12) after the northbound side was closed due to a lorry fire reported near Junction 29 (Tibshelf) as of 9.30am. National ...
Warwickshire residents were woken in the middle of the night by loud explosions following a huge lorry fire. As reported by CoventryLive, emergency services were called to the scene on Europa Way ...
Part of a major road where a lorry erupted into flames remains closed this evening. Fire crews attended the blaze on Garston Way at around 3.40pm today, Tuesday March 11. Footage taken at the ...
A spokesman for Warwickshire Fire and Rescue previously said: "We were alerted at 3:45am on Friday 14 March to reports of a lorry fire on the A452 Europa Way in Heathcote. "We had three appliances ...
A picture taken from the scene showed fire crews at the scene with the lorry seen to be engulfed in flames as smoke billowed up into the sky. No one has been injured but the road remains closed in ...