On Friday morning, shoppers in Juneau noticed the absence of two totem poles that had been at Fred Meyer’s main entrance for approximately 40 years. Tlingit twin carvers Mick and Rick Beasley ...
Kaxwaan Éesh George Davis: Kootéeyaa akaaach’ák’w. He carved a totem pole. Keihéenák’w John Martin: Yóo ḵawdudziteey i duwasáakw kootéeyaa. The thing being carved is called kootéeyaa.
Among them were the Saanya Kwaan Tlingit of Cape Fox. In 1899, the Harriman Expedition removed numerous objects, including totem poles and other crest objects, from the Cape Fox village which they ...
Michael is of the Nisga'a, Tlingit and Tsimshian Nation ... also preparing for numerous shows and exhibits, including three totem poles. Regularly returning home to Kincolith each year Michael still ...
At the time of contact with Europeans, freestanding multiple-figure totem poles were only made by northern Northwest Coast peoples (Haida, Tlingit, Tsimshian). Large human welcome figures and interior ...