[Bhautik] is on version 2 of his tilt-shift lens, and wrote in to share what he has learned. Some aspects of the design on version 1 made it a bit quirky to use. You had to hold the lens in place ...
The big news in Rivian’s most recent software update was Enhanced Highway Assist for hands-free driving on compatible ...
Tilt shift photography has the amazing ability of making life-size structures look like pieces on a toy set. When applied to athletes with their larger-than-life persona the effect seems even better.
Study Highlights Earth’s Tilt Shift Research published in Geophysical Research Letters reveals that Earth’s tilt has shifted by 31.5 inches in less than two decades (1993–2010) due to ...
Typically, camera lenses are essentially straight, rigid barrels full of glass - that's not the case with the tilt/shift lenses, such as the Laowa 55mm f/2.8 tilt-shift 1x macro from Venus optics.
The list includes a 35mm f/2.8 Tilt-Shift, a 15mm f/4.5 Wide Angle Macro and an 8-15mm Fisheye, as well as two cinema lenses, an Ultima 12-20 and a zoom coming to the Proteus lineup. Laowa has ...