SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA—Richard Nixon always stabbed to the heart of the matter. Leaders. Real Peace. In the Arena. Seize the Moment. RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon. These are a few of some nine ...
The story of former President Richard Nixon vs. Arthur Burns, his Federal Reserve chair, is a tale of a president pressuring the head of the central bank for political reasons. Burns fought it ...
Ken Khachigian, the son of a Visalia farmer, just published the memoirs of his years in the White House as a speechwriter to ...
Former United States president, Richard Nixon, used his autobiography, 'The Memoirs of Richard Nixon', to repair his image after the Watergate scandal. After lying about the possession of weapons ...
Richard Nixon, the former US president ... didn’t even see fit to include a mention of Hewlett-Davies. A 2015 memoir, An Outsider at Number 10, by the Special Branch officer turned writer ...