The Disney musical serves both as a prequel and a sequel to the 1994 animated movie The Lion King and its live-action remake, directed by Jon Favreau and released in 2019. Penned by ...
At least it’s better than the last one. Though it doesn’t quite qualify as a good movie, “Mufasa: The Lion King” does manage to be a vast improvement over 2019’s live-actionLion King” ...
Disney is the king of the franchise right now and while the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avatar, and Star Wars are the names we normally think of when the word “franchise” comes up, there’s ...
Though Jenkins’ new movie is light on plot, it keeps the action moving briskly jumping from scene to scene with precision and fluidity even though the humorous references to the Broadway musical ...
Directed by Barry Jenkins, Mufasa: The Lion King serves as both a prequel and a sequel to the iconic live-action remake from ... s streaming platform, the movie will be available for ...