The Arboretum says many of the trees were donated in memory of loved ones, and the peak bloom period is early to mid-March. (So the clock is ticking.) Visitors can also enjoy the annual Dallas Blooms, ...
Texas Discovery Gardens says it spent $700,000 in repairs at its aging home at Fair Park. Repairs the director of the Dallas Park and Recreation Department says the private operator of the 277-acre ...
Goldman Sachs is building a new campus to house its rapidly expanding Dallas office. Two top executives walked BI through the ammenities and design.
But it's also rich in green space. For a respite from the big city, head to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden, which occupies 66 acres in White Rock Lake Park about 7 miles northeast of ...
Among the beauty of Texas spring blooms at the Dallas Arboretum is the glory of the simplest moments of everyday life. A ...
We knew the Dallas Arboretum was gorgeous, offered spectacular seasonal shows and included a special wonderland for kids. But we have to admit, we might not have ranked it with the gardens of the ...
It's a repeat bloomer, disease resistant and drought tolerant, making it a solid choice for Dallas-area gardens.(Courtesy Heirloom Roses) Despite what North Texas summers might have you believe ...