Known by fans simply as Selena, Quintanilla-Perez was a beloved Tejano musician turned crossover star. In 1986, she was named female vocalist of the year at the TejanoMusic Awards − a title ...
By Kevin Dolak The notorious fan who worked her way into pop star Selena’s inner circle and then gunned down the Tejanosinger in 1995 just as her fame was rising and she was poised to become a ...
Members of Selena’s family have also described Saldívar ... popularity in the English-speaking mainstream market for her Tejanomusic, mixing American pop and Mexican folk styles.
Yolanda Saldivar, the woman convicted of murdering beloved Tejanomusic star Selena Quintanilla-Pérez in 1995, will soon have her case reviewed for parole. The parole panel in Texas is set to ...