Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) took command of the USS Enterprise-A at the end of the fourthStar Trek movie, but ...
In Star Trek Into Darkness, John Harrison aka Khan casually renders all space travel obsolete. This would seem like an ...
The Next Generation truly found its footing in season 3 and began delivering consistently strong sci-fi stories.
However, the one crossover that Star Trek fans always wanted to see, but never did, was an encounter between Captain Kirk’s Enterprise-A and Captain Picard’s Enterprise-D from The Next Generation.
Scorpion may be the gold standard when it comes to cold opens in Star Trek. It is certainly among the shortest while also ...
Thirty-five years ago, on February 19, 1990, in the middle of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s pivotal third season, the show dropped one of its best episodes, “Yesterday’s Enterprise.” ...