Current obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis methods, although often effective, all require the patient to be asleep ...
to diagnose sleep apnea. As you sleep, this test monitors: brain activity eye movement breathing oxygen levels in the blood Snoring and gasping sounds, as well as stopping breathing during sleep ...
However, not everyone with sleep apnea is fat. Furthermore, data shows that sleep apnea is related with an increased risk of ...
Yawning is often linked to sleepiness or boredom, but frequent and persistent yawning could be a sign of underlying health conditions ...
For millions of Americans who struggle with sleep apnea, using a CPAP machine might feel like an inconvenience — the mask ...
Sleep apnea can have untold consequences even in your waking hours. The good news? The condition is treatable.
Dr Gopal said that excessive yawning can signal underlying issues such as: -Sleep deprivation: Lack of quality sleep can lead ...
Here are some signs of iron deficiency that you body could be giving you. One could be constant yawning. Yawning is often associated with sleepiness or boredom, and it helps your brain to keep your ...
February was heart month, and this is another column in a series about the primary risk factors for heart disease. Sleep ...
"Dry throat tissues can increase snoring, so drinking enough water throughout the day should help combat this," he recommends ...