A video showing Sikh deportees from the US without turbans (dastar) while they were completing their immigration formalities at the Amritsar airport went viral on social media, sparking a row in ...
Sikhism is a small but growing minority religion in Australia that can trace ... battles with the US government for their right to wear turbans while doing their military duty, a turbaned Sikh ...
According to reports, Sikh deportees were not allowed to wear turban(HT_PRINT) The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbhandak Committee on Sunday strongly objected to the United States authorities' treatment ...
SIMRAN: It's up to Taran what style turban he ties ... Eleven-year-old Simran introduces the Sikh religion and describes the key beliefs and practices in following the Sikh way of life.
"I’ve researched your religion,” Gambino replied, "and I want to tell you how some of the Jesuit values here parallel Sikh core tenets ... How would Gambino feel about him wearing his turban while he ...
TEACHER: Well, today we’re going to learn about a religion called ‘Sikhism ... They keep their hair covered, usually with a turban or head covering. Sikhs believe in one god.
The SGPC condemned US officials for allegedly not allowing Sikh deportees to wear turban. Criticising the US authorities over the alleged treatment of Sikh deportees, SGPC general secretary ...