The Ohio-based attraction announced in a Facebook post earlier this week that it welcomed twin Siberian Tiger cubs on July 20. Born to mom Talya and dad Titan — who previously welcomed another ...
reintroduction efforts spawned a love story for the ages and a litter of Siberian tiger cubs to boot.
Inhabiting forested areas along the Amur River that marks the border between China and Russia, the Amur tiger, also known as the Siberian tiger ... Amur tiger cubs look simply adorable and ...
Boris and Svetlaya were two of the six orphaned Siberian tiger cubs who were re-released into the wild in 2014 as part of a first-of-its-kind conservation programme. The tiger cubs had grown into ...
The Buffalo Zoo has welcomed a young male tiger to its family. The tiger's name is Sungari, and is currently one year and ...
Amur tigers also have been called Siberian tigers since their natural ... Kash and three sibling cubs were born to their mother, Amba — who has since died — in 2016. Zookeepers typically ...