As the Act describes, “shrinkflation might mean more air in a bag of chips, fewer sheets on a roll of paper towels, or a divot in the bottom of a jar of peanut butter.” So, why does this happen?
For expert advice on shrinkflation and what to do about it, Kiplinger interviewed Edgar Dworsky, a longtime consumer advocate and founder of Consumer World, which provides consumer news ...
These days, "everyone from President Joe Biden to Cookie Monster is taking a stand against shrinkflation," said CNBC. In his State of the Union, President Biden made the allegation against ...
If so, you're not alone. It's called "shrinkflation" and lawmakers in our state are looking to take a stand against it. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ...
It Could Be Due to Shrinkflation. Consumers are growing savvy to shrinkflation, the practice of downsizing the contents of a product rather than raising prices. So companies are getting creative.