king of Assyria 726-722 Atalia, Queen of Sargon II, king of Assyria 721-705 Outline showing the location Citadel with respect to the city of Nimrud. The western corner of the city with the new path of ...
meaning "Fortress of Sargon," was built by Sargon II, naming it after himself, to serve as the new capital of the Assyrian Empire around 700 BCE. The settlement is located at the site of the ...
The city was constructed during the rule of King Sargon II. He reigned over the Assyrian empire from 721 B.C. until his death in 704 B.C. After his death, his son took the throne and relocated the ...
Above the blue star is the image of the Assyrian god Assur, who is guarding the country the flag and the nation it represents. On top of the flagstaff is the standard of King Sargon I, who established ...
they all spoke about the greatness of the Late Ashur Sargon Eskrya. most people's impression was that the Assyrian Aid Society-Australia did a very good job to show the respect and honour that ...
Sargon Petyou is visiting Australia from Denmark ... to be staged in Sydney with the corporation of local Australian Assyrian talents. He says he fell in love with Sydney and it's people for ...