To care for lavender as an indoor plant, provide ample sunlight, proper drainage, and low humidity. Regular pruning, sparing watering, and well-draining soil will promote healthy growth and vibrant bl ...
Can you revive woody lavender plants? If you left yours to its own devices over the winter months, that's likely the question that's running rampant through your mind (and your Google search history), ...
Here's how to propagate lavender by cutting: Grow lavender in a pot that's just larger than the root ball. Use well-draining ...
Lavender is a beautiful addition to any outdoor space, but novice gardeners may not know where to begin when it comes to planting and keeping such plants alive. The plant itself is not demanding ...
Pruning lavender is essential to maintain the health of the plant as well as enhancing blooming in the following season. Gardening expert and British Green Thumb’s content editor Sarah Johnson ...
Jean, a gardening enthusiast and the mind behind the Green Jeane forum, made a lucky discover when she inadvertently used an unsuitable sand mix in her herb garden. To her surprise, her lavender ...
Lavender (Lavandula) is a hardy, low-maintenance plant that can thrive in a variety of growing conditions. While it will flourish without much care, one way to ensure a successful harvest is by ...
choose a compact variety and grow it in a sturdy pot with large drainage holes. Use a Best Buy compost for containers and add a controlled-release feed when planting. If you're growing French lavender ...
Lavender plants are a beautiful addition to any garden, providing colour and a heady scent that also works as a pest deterrent. These easy-to-grow shrubs are a popular choice in British gardens as ...