The community project utilises modern farming techniques through the iMistroom 2.0 modular smart mushroom house system, an ...
From April to June the Farm Food Program staff did two plantings of two tubes. They used one strain of each of the two varieties, Blue and White Oyster and successfully yielded 19 pounds of Blue ...
Every other variety, be it shiitake or oyster, falls in the specialty mushroom category. In the U.S., Agaricus mushrooms are produced in vast quantities by well-established farms, often ...
Phek (ICAR-National Research Centre on Mithun (NRCM), Medziphema), under ICAR ATARI Zone VII, Umiam, organised a five-day ...
Picking mushrooms is done with clean hands, with a light rotating movement, taking care not to bruise the caps ...
TEZU- Hands on Oyster Mushroom Cultivation was conducted by the College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural ...
shut Monk plans gave locked contentLham community reportedly years, locked contentplans Festivals gave which locked contentreportedly culture years, nearly locked contentgave Bhutan Telecom which ...