Or perhaps the maker is long dead, and the shell now belongs to a hermit crab. Curious, you flip it over. A row of suckers. A pair of eyes. An octopus. In particular, Amphioctopus marginatus ...
This species of octopus is also known as the paper nautilus (the shell it builds to hold its eggs is made of paper-thin calcium carbonate). The Chinese name for the species translates to “white ...
In areas without natural defenses, the octopus basically uses the shell as a makeshift shield. With no readily available hiding places, the creatures bring their own. Story by Tony Manfred and ...
Embrace change with the adaptability of an octopus, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth, renewal, and a ...
"There's been a massive decline in shellfish in seven months - we think it's due to octopus because there's so many about," he said. He said the situation had become so precarious, he would be ...
This was proven experimentally in 2011 when researchers tested whether an octopus could learn to guide one of its arms through a maze to reach food. The maze was designed so that the arm would have to ...
An octopus has no shell, just a soft body and a sharp mind. It's a master of shape-shifting, adapting to its ever-changing environment with grace and resilience. It faces daily challenges with ...