These ancestors of modern ... Bering's second-in-command, Aleksei Chirikov, reached Prince of Wales Island. Bering's own ship, the St. Peter, sighted Mt. St. Elias, and Kayak Island the next day.
As many of you know, some species of marine mammals and birds have been declining in the Bering Sea and some people believe that too much fishing is the cause of the declines. That is the topic of ...
A dog that went missing in Alaska last month arrived home safely after making a 150-mile trek on the frozen Bering Sea. Nanuq, a one-year-old Australian Shepherd, appeared in the town of Wales ...
Ice is visible in the Bering Sea on January 22, 2020, from a small plane airplane near the western Alaska coast. Ice is visible in the Bering Sea on January 22, 2020, from a small plane airplane ...