The 'Leader in Me' program focuses first on giving educators the tools they can implement to help children take the initiative to lead their own learning.
There’s no doubt that parents want to prepare their children to succeed in life. According to parenting expert Dr. Becky ...
Every student in American public schools is taught writing, science and math. But students at Park Elementary are learning there are many more skills to life, skills that even help them tackle ...
Another of the big complaints grandparents have about this generation of kids that should deeply concern their parents is ...
After all, it's not academic knowledge that is most beneficial to our children; this can be learned at any time in life. But it's crucial to learn soft skills at an early age. From all my teaching ...
Related stories Kids learn practical life skills Intensive parenting pushes children to achieve outer markers of success, often well before the child has a chance to develop foundational life skills.
Along with the challenges, adults with a trauma history can also embody these adaptive life skills: 1. Responsibility. As children, survivors learned (too) early on to be responsible for ...