Counts at Ice Harbor Dam in the Snake River decreased from a maximum of more than 49,000 fish in 1963 to 203 lamprey in 2001. The formerly large lamprey runs described as great "wriggling masses of ...
As "The Fish Thief" details, the invasive creature sometimes referred to as a "vampire fish" once wreaked havoc on lake trout and other native species in Midwestern waters.
Certainly a salmon with a large gapping wound has little appeal to fisherman or persons interested in eating salmon, which explains why lamprey have a poor reputation amongst such folks. Also note ...
BONNEVILLE DAM — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is gutting and rebuilding a large section of Bonneville Dam’s fish ladder to make it easier for Pacific lamprey to pass the dam as they return ...
A new $8 million project at the Bonneville Lock & Dam aims to make it easier for Pacific lamprey to migrate along the Columbia River. The project, currently under construction on the Washington ...
Just a week ago, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission faced a more dire staffing situation, as the USFWS informed directors ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio - The highly successful Sea Lamprey Control program, charged with eradicating the invasive fish from around ...
Federal and Canadian officials recently said they expect sea lamprey numbers in all the Great Lakes to exceed target numbers — sometimes by large amounts — in the coming years because of ...
The Great Lakes sea lamprey control program faces mass layoffs, risking the health of the largest freshwater ecosystem.
The commission met with lawmakers who, in fiscal year 24, put 20 million dollars toward lamprey control. It’s a large sum, but he says the fishery is worth 5 billion dollars for the region.