Jaguars, known for their distinctive yellow-orange fur and unique spots, are found in small pockets of forested habitats throughout South, North, and Central America. Designated as “Near Threatened” ...
In 1997, in response to a Center campaign, jaguars were again protected as endangered. After that, we three times sued the Fish and Wildlife Service to win a recovery plan and critical habitat. The ...
This domain encompasses the habitats and migration paths that his conservation organization, Panthera, is trying to protect to ensure the survival of the estimated 100,000 jaguars and the vitality ...
Jaguars are rarely spotted in Arizona, and they face endangerment worldwide. In Arizona, large portions of their habitat are being developed. Here's everything Arizonans need to know about jaguars ...
The 107-page scientific petition requests reintroduction of jaguars to the Gila National Forest in southwestern New Mexico. It also calls for the designation of critical habitat for their recovery in ...
After a years-long battle to protect the designation of stretches of the southwest as a protected habitat for the jaguar, a federal judge has ruled that the New Mexico land should no longer be ...
In the past, jaguars could be found from the south-western USA to the scrub grasslands of Argentina. Sadly, they have lost half of their historic range mainly due to habitat loss. Today, the Amazon is ...
A new jaguar will soon be on view at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Filly is a conflict jaguar that was just transferred from the Belize Zoo.
habitat loss, vehicle collisions and the incursion of feral or domesticated dogs in their places of refuge. The jaguar (Panthera onca) and the puma (Puma concolor) are the two largest felines in ...