If you are an instructor who is interested in information about helping your students get more engaged in their learning, please visit our "Student Engagement" page on the Innovative Learning website.
Research suggests students are more engaged when subjects can be related to their interests or to real-world contexts.
An Environmental Studies professor designs an undergraduate-level critical thinking course on Sustainable Food Systems to promote engaged student learning. ENVS 3525-002 Sustainable Food Systems is a ...
With many classes being offered in hybrid, remote, or online format, you may wonder how to engage students that are attending your class remotely. Below you will find several technologies and features ...
With the right commitment, institutions can equip students with the skills they need to navigate complex conversations and ...
By reflecting on their learning, students become more intentional, engaged, and self-aware learners. For Students: Self-assessment builds autonomy and encourages a sense of ownership over their ...
These online classes provide more accessibility to non-traditional students who are pursuing higher education outside of the ...
Online schooling provides rural students with access to high-quality education, overcoming geographical barriers and enabling ...