Early flu exposure helps immunity against H5N1 infection, with older adults having stronger antibody responses.
Older adults who were exposed to seasonal flu viruses that circulated prior to 1968 are more likely to have some protection ...
Prior exposures to specific types of seasonal influenza viruses promote cross-reactive immunity against the H5N1 avian ...
Flu shots -- and immune systems -- tend to target the bulb-like “head” of hemagglutinin rather than the stalk. But the details of that head region also change constantly, creating an arms race between ...
New research suggests that past exposure to seasonal flu viruses may help protect people from severe illness caused by the ...
Antibodies targeting the hemagglutinin stalk region that is preserved across different influenza isolates, such as the strain of H5N1 tested in the new study, circumvents the abovementioned ...
Antibodies targeting the hemagglutinin stalk region that is preserved across different influenza isolates, such as the strain of H5N1 tested in the new study, circumvents the abovementioned challenge ...
PHILADELPHIA— Prior exposures to specific types of seasonal influenza viruses promote cross-reactive immunity against the H5N1 avian influenza virus ...
Younger adults and children would benefit more from H5N1 vaccines, even those not tailored specifically to the current str ...