Public domain via Wikimedia Commons As Guy Fawkes walked to the gallows on January 31, 1606, doomed to execution for his part in an unsuccessful attempt to blow up London’s Houses of Parliament ...
The name's Guy Fawkes, friends call me Guido. I've been put here, in the Tower of London, because I may have been a little bit… naughty. You see, for a while now, Catholics like me have been ...
What pushed Guy Fawkes over the edge? What pushed Guy Fawkes over the edge? What turned him from a radical who wanted change to an extremist willing to kill? Foreign correspondent Jason Burke has ...
Also these ferns would be used for stuffing of the Guy Fawkes (if we managed to get old clothes to stuff!). Indeed, clothes were not as plentiful then. You had your school clothes, limited choice of ...
The one woman play Guy fawkes Mother comes to the Old Electric in Blackpool on March 21st. After a very successful tour last ...
but its origin is widely believed to come from Guy Fawkes, the mastermind behind the failed Gunpowder Plot. Credit: Wikimedia Commons Does the word "guy" come from the historical figure Guy Fawkes?