Alex DeFrank returned for his second game of Jeopardy! trying to get his second win under his belt with $42,402 currently in ...
The game started off with a triple stumper on a $1,000 question. “A Chinese game combines with a Vegas one in this 3-word ...
Jeopardy! fans couldn’t believe that a question about a popular TV show was a triple stumper and in Final Jeopardy at that. Fans want to watch a show where everybody knows the name of Cheers.
One contestant had a stellar poker face that made fans think he lost the Final Jeopardy! question. Shane Whitlock from Benton, Arkansas, Roger Craig from Arlington, Virginia, and Jaskaran Singh ...
Both Vinjamuri and Hirsch answered the Final Jeopardy! question correct. Harmeyer wagered $0 for the final question, ending with $5,400. Hirsch answered with “Who is Pyrrhis?” and waged $ ...
Alex DeFrank returned for his second game of Jeopardy! trying to get his second ... The game was a close call with anyone taking it during the final question as he faced two new contestants.
[The below contains MAJOR spoilers for the Monday, March 17, episode of Jeopardy!] Alex DeFrank ... call with anyone taking it during the final question as he faced two new contestants.