Funeral services will be held next week for Ridgefield Park Police Officer Steven Fernandez, a village native and longtime ...
The wake will take place at the San Gabriel funeral in Fundadores at 7 p.m.” One follower commented: “I can’t believe she’s no longer here.” Diana said: “I will see you in Heaven ...
Linda Lee Fernandez, 81, of Ankeny ... Immediately following her visitation, funeral services will begin at 12:00 p.m. with Benjamin Spera officiating. Her burial will be in Restland Cemetery ...
A funeral Mass was held on Jan. 26 at St. Hugh of Lincoln R.C. Church in Huntington followed by a private cremation. The Newsday app makes it easier to access content without having to log in.
As world leaders were arriving at Caracas late Thursday for Friday’s funeral ceremony of President Hugo Chavez, Argentine president Cristina Fernandez and her delegation were back in Buenos Aires.