Can you get three in a row? Active learning transforms the classroom into an interactive space where students engage with the material, think critically, and participate in meaningful activities. It’s ...
Lectures, however, are often inefficient at engaging students to create meaning ... working with content will students begin to understand their own learning. Evidence that active learning is more ...
Learning at Purdue is a self-paced resource that you can add ... you can learn from each other. Be prepared to engage in a variety of ways; it will be more than just showing up and listening. Use a ...
Cooperative learning involves engaging intentional groupings of learners with a specific ... Explicitly discuss and support learners in practicing collaboration skills including active listening, ...
What is considered an Active Learning Strategy? An active learning strategy is any type of activity during class (face-to-face, online, or outside of class) that engages learners in deep thought about ...
There are many active learning modalities informed by different teaching and learning traditions. We envision these modalities on a spectrum. This spectrum can be rearranged depending on the quality ...
HighScope uses the term active learning to describe our philosophy ... Initiate activities that build upon their natural curiosity and excitement about learning Engage in purposeful activity as they ...