Both ultrawide and curved, this Innocn display will dazzle your eyes while offering strain-free comfort for long sessions.
Using a single ultrawide display may be more convenient but a dual-monitor setup gives you extra flexibility, oftentimes at a fraction of the cost.
Two monitors attached to the same computer. The required computer hardware is typically a graphics card with two monitor ports. The monitors are typically set to "extended desktop mode," in which ...
There are many people, for whom a 1920×1080 pixel resolution is not enough, which is pretty much common, nowadays. They then often opt for a dual monitor setup or even a multi-monitor setup.
You have a Windows 11/10 dual monitor setup running, and if you change from the primary display to the external monitor, you may notice that the Desktop icons have been moved to random positions.
If you have a desktop or a laptop you use at a desk, you might have considered a dual-monitor setup. Dual monitors are great for productivity, letting you get the most out of split screens.
If you're using a second monitor, there's more to it than simply connecting both displays. Here are a few ways to improve your setup.
Do you want a large expanse of usable display space, but without the hassle of setting up dual monitors? An ultrawide monitor is the ticket. Ultrawide monitors have a wider display panel that ...
Sick of your monitors taking up too much space on your desk? Have oversized screens that don't work with the average mount?
The all in one modular PC, laptop, tablet and desktop combo from Compal recently won an iF Design Award and we analyze it ...