Some parents commented that cursive looks more professional, while other think it's faster and more fluid for writing notes ...
While I see its incredible value, I’m still debating whether Missouri needs to require cursive instruction in public schools. Is this skill worth spending taxpayer money on? Fiscal notes that ...
While I see its incredible value, I’m still debating whether Missouri needs to require cursive instruction in public schools. Is this skill worth spending taxpayer money on? Fiscal notes that ...
Okay, forget cursive. Why even write by hand anymore when you could takes notes this or that way with your phone or laptop? If you really want to learn or remember something, you just can’t beat ...
She can sign her name in cursive, but outside of us making her write thank-you notes and address envelopes, she’s not used it consistently either. And when I ask her to, it’s a chore.
BOISE, Idaho (KIVI) – Lawmakers in Idaho are moving a bill which aims to make sure all students in the state are proficient at cursive writing through to the state House. Senate Bill 1044 would ...
Or somebody on the police force who is looking at old handwritten notes that could be used as evidence.” Joiner believes that a generation’s inability to read cursive will affect a fairly ...